Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan. 14

Jan. 14
Originally uploaded by Cancer Boy
You know, they make the port-a-cath insertion sound like it's nothing. Let me tell you, it is more than a little something.

I'll readily admit that I'm a big ol' wuss, but I'm not enjoying things one bit.

Actually, what's bugging me most is the copious amount of dressing over the chest. I've already found myself in front of the bathroom mirror with a pair of scissors hacking away at the bandages a couple of times, today. Itchy...

Been taking benadryl every few hours for the rash, and took tylenol with codeine once or twice for the "discomfort". These last few weeks really have sucked, you know?

That's about all I can say about today. Spent it working. I had/have a huge stack of data packets to enter. My omnihelpful (yay for made-up words) mother helped me with that. In other words, my morning and afternoon consisted of pressing the numbers 1 through 7 in seemingly random order, followed by the right arrow key. Her afternoon largely consisted of reading the numbers 1 through 7 in seemingly random order. No right arrow key for her, though.


Holly said...

WHAT??? no right arrow key for good ole mom and after all she's done for you lo these many years?? For shame! you are a doll...keep on going dear one....

Lisa said...

cancer patients should be exempt from data entry. aren't you suffering enough?

deborah d. lattimore said...

now that i've experienced completely shitty side effects from chemo, i now understand you've been writing about and why you have used the word "fuck" so much. haha! that's my new favorite word besides "anti-emetic." and since my anti-emetic didn't work, i will also say "fucking anti-emetic."

yay for your mom! she probably doesn't mind not having a right arrow key. she sounds too devoted to care about that. oxoxo

Anonymous said...

I feel for you, man. I absolutely cannot believe that you weren't sedated for the entire procedure - that is nothing less than cruel. And "discomfort" my ass.

Armand said...

Holly: I know, I'm an awful son ;)

Lisa: I don't mind the data entry, really. Just gets a bit freaky when there's a lot of it and I'm taking codeine...

Deborah: ugh. Yeah. Four letter words are your friend... As for my mother, yeah, she's pretty damned awesome :)

Kathy: I'm starting to think some of my health care providers are slightly on the inept side.