Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mar. 12

Mar. 12
Originally uploaded by Cancer Boy
I've made up a story that sort of makes sense, regarding ye olde lump in my neck.

It's pretty unlikely that chemotherapy will affect the same kind of cancer in different ways, at the same time, especially within the same system. Also, it's pretty unlikely that I've developed a secondary cancer while undergoing treatment for the one. However, it's likely that I have a buildup of scar tissue that got pushed to the surface by the increase of muscle, since I've been going to the gym.

That story keeps me from freaking out. It's the story I'll keep telling myself until I hear otherwise.

As of today, I have exactly two months until my last round of chemotherapy. These last two weeks, once again, flew right by. I really hope this holds out...


Deltcho said...

I've pulled muscles in my neck and had strange lumps due to the swelling...

Tori said...

That seems like a pretty logical explanation.

Riette said...

Urgh. Those lumps. Yes, it can be many things. 90% of you know (knows?) it. But that other 10% is a devil. Hope you have a fearless, cancer-free day.

Armand said...

Deltcho: I'm hoping as much... It doesn't *feel* like a pulled muscle, so it's likely a lymph node, but it's just been pushed out by muscle underneath.

Tori: It keeps me from chewing at the straps...

Riette: Thank you :)